zaterdag 14 februari 2015

Google Plus Business, If You Had a Way of Getting Your Business on the First Page of Google?

If You Had a Way of Getting Your Business on the First Page of Google?

Today I'm prepared to teach you  TECHNIQUES that will allow you to see your business listed on the first page of Google My Business. And It Won't Cost You a Penny!

Google Plus Business How to PDF

It took me a year to learn how to submit clients and get their company to come up on the first page of Google. Over the next year, I learned to perfect my technique. When I started submitting, my success rate was 80-90%; now, I get virtually all of my clients listed on the first page of Google My Business on some of their keywords.

Is this really going to make a difference in my business?

Google is the largest Internet company in the world; when they rank a company on the first page of their listings, for a product or service, people take note. When your company comes up on the FIRST PAGE of the Google results, an eager buyer will be face to face with your phone number. so get ready to do a little internet work right now, and get ready to begin answering your customer phone calls when your ranking appears. 

Google Plus Business How to PDF

What is the Value of this Service for You?

If you're a wedding photographer, each job is worth $750.00 - $3,000.00  cash into your pocket. If you're a personal injury attorney, a single phone call can lead to a multi-million dollar settlement. If you're a builder, a single phone call may net you a $60,000.00 building or remodeling job. A mover can easily pull in $2,000 - $4,000 from a single phone call coming in from his Google Places Listing. No wonder, you're competing with 1,000 -10,000 or more businesses to get your company's listing onto the coveted first two pages of Google! , and now I am about to tell you how you can beat them all. 

Google Plus Business How to PDF

So what is this service worth to you?

The answer is far more than the 800.00 many professional companies are asking. Today, however, I am going to let you get your hands on a powerful compact  eBook, which will show you in a few minutes how to put your business on the first page of Google Places FOR FREE. The eBook won't cost you $400.00 or even $100.00; both reasonable fees for this valuable information. I'm going to let you have instant online access to this valuable tract for only $49.95, And if you act fast, and are one of the first 100 buyers, I will take off another 20.00 and give it to you for $29.95,  and that's $29.95 that will come back to you when you get your first customer, and after that every additional customer will be all profit for you, because unless you violate their policies, Google won't routinely take your listing DOWN!

Google Plus Business How to PDF

Although Google has been trying to get this more active it is still not at its full potential. Again this is a must have for any serious webmaster or blogger. Second job to do after you have a website or blog is to create a Google Plus page. This is fairly easy to setup and is the same as with Facebook. Add photo albums, make posts about your website, blog or products. The only thing you need is a Google account and you have many free and easy to use tools.

Google Plus Fanpage
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